What is the Raspberry Pi 4? 11 coolest applications that you should know

Raspberry Pi is basically a computer. Despite its small board, its low cost and its Raspbian open source operating system, it is still a computer adapted to very basic programming needs. Originally designed to promote computer education in schools, it has been very successful during its successive evolutions. A few weeks ago and, a bit by surprise, the arrival of its new model occurred: Raspberry Pi 4.

The reason for its great popularity has not so much to do with its academic usefulness (as well as), but because of the emerging capacities that are continually discovered from it. For a computer of approximately € 70 in its latest version, it is not insignificant to be able to use it as a multimedia center, as a controller or even as a game server in Minecraft. Therefore, we bring the most useful ways to use Raspberry Pi 4. Although, we insist, they are not the only ones, since every day that your community spends developing ideas, their ways of using them are more and more.

As a desktop computer

Its most obvious use, and perhaps the one for which it was created in the first place, is to be a desktop computer that fulfills the most basic functions. In this case, the peripherals (keyboard and mouse) are needed, as well as a monitor to which to plug an HDMI cable, an SD card and the version of the operating system that we want. From there, we can do the simplest daily tasks such as surfing the internet, checking emails or writing texts on a PC that barely takes up space.

As a print server

We can use printers without wireless connectivity using Raspberry Pi 4 as a print server . That is, we turn our mini computer into an intermediary between our mobile phone and that printer that cannot connect with AirPrint or the Wi-Fi network in a very simple way: we enable the option to share files through Samba and install a server software from Raspberry Pi compatible printing like CUPS. In this way, we can use our smartphone to print on an old printer.

As a multimedia center

Earlier we mentioned this as one of your many options. And is that thanks to the installation of KODI, we can use Raspberry Pi 4 as a multimedia center from which to enjoy our already stored movies. In addition, you only need to fiddle around the internet a bit to download a plugin that gives access to Netflix and other streaming platforms. This is a very practical way to “turn” your television into a Smart TV just by connecting it to this small computer.

Also Read: What is an SSD? How does this technology work?

As a controller for robots

It is no wonder that robotics enthusiasts have welcomed the evolution of all Raspberry Pi. Their size, power and versatility make them invaluable allies for those who want to advance in the construction and design of robots. In this sense, it is important to be well informed about the specifications of each Raspberry Pi, since depending on the model we can make the result of our investigations vary a lot. For example, there is a lot of supply all over the internet of kits prepared to make your own robot car controlled by these small computers

As a web or FTP server

Although today it is very simple, it is still a very attractive option to use your Raspberry Pi 4 as the web server for your page or blog. Either by installing APACHE or a LAMP package we can host our domains in a minimum space in our own home, as well as keep our files safe by using it as an FTP server. Another one of those uses in which its size is a very positive point.

As a Twitter bot

Speaking of having it at home, it is not bad at all to program the tweets you need throughout the week from your own Raspberry Pi 4. We only need to install Python, link it to our account and keep our Pi permanently connected to the Internet so that it is in charge of publishing the tweets we want at all times. You never know when our very own Archillect might rise to prominence.

Like a retro gaming machine

One of the uses that interest us most in this house and in the world, in general, is to turn our Raspberry Pi 4 into an arcade emulator . Thanks to the Recalbox or RetroPie operating systems we can revive 8 and 16 bits in a simple way. In addition, this Pi offers perfect qualities for our retrogaming setup thanks to its size, power and low consumption. It’s time to remember (or even discover) those mythical consoles!

As a game server in Minecraft

And speaking of video games, an adapted version of Minecraft is pre-installed in the Raspbian operating system, something that few could complain about due to its undeniable fame and, above all, its curious ability to make us play non-stop. In this sense, it is worth noting the possibility that Raspberry Pi 4 offers us to become our own hosting within the game, having sufficient conditions to support our own server in Minecraft.

As an automatic controller of your camera

In the case of incorporating a camera to our Raspberry Pi 4, we come across a huge range of possibilities that the community has been developing. And it is that an aspect as artistic as photography and all the functionalities that it entails, has enormous potential if it has a resource as useful as this minicomputer. Thus, either through Wi-Fi or other possible ways, we can configure the sequence of captures of our cameras to automate the processes of resources such as Time Lapse or Slow Motion.

As a security camera

At the same time that we can use it in such an artistic way as the previous one, we can also be more pragmatic and turn our Raspberry Pi 4 into a video surveillance camera. In the same way, our camera would be connected to the computer and thanks to other software such as ffmpeg or uvccapture, we could have a security video camera that broadcasts live what is happening on our property.

As a streaming device

If we talk about seeing what a camera broadcasts live, we could not forget to use our Raspberry Pi 4 to upload it directly to the Internet. Although this does not mean that there are still thousands of problems every time you try to stream. That is the law of life.

In short, Raspberry Pi 4 has so many uses that it can satisfy even at least one interested in computing. Whether for price, versatility or the simple curiosity it arouses, this computer is an element that reinforces the possibilities of creating for anyone with concerns. And to think that this was for schools .To ride robot cars it has been said!

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