What Is Crowdlending And How Can It Help Freelancers
In case you did not know it yet, crowdlending is a financing method. Its name comes from the terms crowd, which translates as ” crowd ” and lending, which is ” lend .” In other words, we are talking about a collective or participatory financing mechanism, which can be very useful when access to financial resources is needed. Here’s how it works.
It involves the granting of several loans from more than one investor. This is done through platforms, which connect people who need financing for their projects, with whom they seek profitability and want to contribute the monetary resources. Of course, it is not the same as crowdfunding, since in this case, the money is a donation or sponsorship.
There are two types of loans in crowdlending. On the one hand, we have P2B or ” person to business “, which is for businesses or freelancers, and the other is P2P, which is person to person. The latter usually has an amount that does not exceed 10,000 euros, on the other hand, P2B can reach quite high sums.
Financing carried out in a crowdlending is regulated by means of a contract in which the price, duration, loan conditions, interest rates, and guarantee are established. And all this can be done on the same platform used as an intermediary. As for the level of legal involvement, it is something that depends on the parties that are involved.
This new alternative can be interesting if you know how to take advantage of it. The process to be carried out is simpler and easier to access than requesting financing from financial institutions or banks.
When making a loan, everything is based on the individual decision of each lender rather than the complex requirements of conditions, liquidity, and risks of the applicants to the bank. That is why this is a very good alternative to get the necessary amount of money to undertake.
Of course, before launching, it is necessary to consider this option from more perspectives. To make it easier for you, we will tell you what its advantages and disadvantages are.
Requesting a loan through crowdlending allows you to enjoy more advantages as a freelance or borrowing company. These are some:
Of course, although the advantages are very attractive, there are also disadvantages to crowdlending, and you have to know what they are before starting any process.
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