What are Google Featured Snippets and How will they refine SERPs?

What are Google Featured Snippets? Currently, in 2021, it is very common to find information regarding featured snippets, and in fact, they can be seen frequently on the web. Also, although you may not have paid attention, you should know that these search results are very important, as they can be very beneficial for your website. 

Chances are that when doing some of your searches on Google, you have seen under the ads a format of the search result very different than usual. When this happens it is because you are in front of the so-called featured snippets. Featured snippets are generally easy to distinguish from typical results as the description appears first, followed by the URL and title. 

Meaning of Google Featured Snippets?

 When we mention featured snippets, we mean particular search results that can be seen in organic search results and especially below ads. Similarly, featured snippets are a summary that serves as a description of the sites in an inverted format compared to the other natural search results. 

Importance of featured snippets

Google Featured Snippets have certain characteristics that make it easy to distinguish them from normal search results. These special search results do not show the meta description that is programmed when sharing your content. On the contrary, a summary will appear that Google will do directly according to the content that it finds on your site or what Google manages to understand about it.

 Ultimately, featured snippets are of great importance to your website because they can have a huge impact on your site’s performance. 

 When SEO specialists refer to featured snippets, they also tend to give it the connotation of “Position 0”, since they usually appear in the first search results. 

So when your website appears as a featured snippet, it starts to have certain advantages over the competition because it can increase your organic click-through rate considerably.

 The reason is that featured snippets help users quickly find what they need to know through their search. 

The snippet featured as often called, may appear through search results voice performed in Google. For this reason, it will be an excellent idea to include featured snippets in your marketing strategy. 

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How to create featured snippets?

As we just told you, featured snippets can be an excellent option within your SEO strategy.

In fact, there are several types of so-called featured snippets although only 4 are often used frequently. 

If you want to create featured snippets for your site, you first need to know the types of these special search results: 


The tables show the featured snippets as a result, in fact, 29% of them can be viewed through this item.

For Google to extract the necessary information for this search result, it takes direct data from a table that appears on the website.  

Tables with 5 or more columns are generally more likely to appear as featured snippets. 

Definition chart

 The definition box functions as a piece of text designed for users searching to find clear and precise information. In general, the definition tables used by Google have to begin by answering the following query: What is it?

Bulleted list

This list option is usually taken into account by Google, when it wants to present a list of certain elements that do not need a specific order. Therefore, if you want to create featured snippets, you need to include bullets within your content and the odds are increased. 

For example, if you search for “What is content marketing?” You will see a definition box in the main part of the results. These definition boxes show concise information, which is why the featured snippet has an average of 40 to 60 words. 

Numbered list

This option can be seen as a list of elements that are specifically ordered and are taken by Google for the classification of a certain topic or steps to follow. 

That is why when the search includes “how” the numbered list usually appears as an answer.

For this reason, if you want your site to appear as a featured fragment, when preparing the content, you are going to share, do not forget to add these types of lists. 

Can you mark your page as a featured snippet?

It is not possible for you to bookmark your website to appear as a featured snippet.

In fact, it is Google’s systems that are in charge of determining whether a website can be useful to answer a particular user’s query. 

In this way, in case your website can answer the user’s question, Google will decide to show it as a featured fragment. 


Before wanting to appear within the special search results, it is important to make it clear that Google has not disclosed what are the elements that it takes into account to manage the featured fragments. Of course, as long as you’re guided by the types of snippets featured for creation, it’s easier for Google to mark your content as interesting. 

In the same way, it is relevant that on your website you make good use of SEO tools so that there is an optimization in the loading speed, keywords, or other elements that allow you to offer a good user experience. By taking these details into account, Google will rank your website among the best. 

Likewise, you must ensure that your content is clear and answers users’ doubts so that Google determines that extracting your information and placing it as a featured fragment will be functional. 

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