The 5 best 360 marketing campaigns
At present we live in a highly competitive world, in which companies have found it necessary to seek new communication methods. On the other hand, it is now much more difficult to capture the attention of consumers, as they are increasingly demanding. That is why many companies are inclined to use a 360º marketing strategy.
Through advertising, companies can get their message across to consumers . It is important to take into account the rise of social networks, which are part of these new media . This platform is quite effective and the investment is lower, and it also generates great benefits.
Surely you have often wondered how it is that companies get such creative and well-crafted campaigns. Well, here we will show you which are the five best 360º marketing campaigns that you should know.
1. Always: “Like a Girl” fights gender stereotypes with a 360 degree advertisement
This is an incredible campaign, launched by the Always feminine pad brand in 2014. It reached 90 million people in the world and won a Grand Prix. The Always brand aimed to redefine the concept of how girls do things.
The spot consisted of a group of children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 20, who were asked to carry out different activities always saying the phrase “run, throw or fight like a girl would do”. Most adolescent girls Those over 13 followed the instructions, doing the activities based on stereotypes.
These girls ended up running in a ridiculous way, threw without force or precision, and finally fought by holding on to their hair or scratching each other, however, the result was totally different with the girls under 10 years old. These, not being influenced by the stereotypes of society, carried out each of the activities with determination.
This 360º campaign is a clear example of how to unify a message with the objective and values of the company. Always integrated the different communication media, both digital and traditional. All in order to convey how bad stereotypes are in our society.
Traditional media: Exposure of the spot on television, written press and events such as the Super Bowl. Activations were also carried out in schools, universities and institutes. All these actions were focused on empowering all women of all ages. The message was clear, no more silly and false stereotypes.
Digital media: Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. These media were widely used by the brand to communicate the message. Because Always’s target audience is primarily young women, they identified with the message. Being a global trend with the hashtag #LikeAGirl.
2. Coca Cola: “Share Coca Cola with a friend” a 360 degree marketing advertisement
With this incredible idea, Coca Cola sought to get closer to Millennials , since these are the recent consumers. So he decided to change his packaging using some names from this generation. This campaign managed to be a hit, especially among the younger audience. They encouraged people to upload the images of Coca Cola with their name to social networks, using hashtags and being a worldwide trend.
They managed to increase sales by 2%, which is quite incredible for a company the size of Coca-Cola. With the digital actions they took, they created content on social networks that was relevant to the target audience. They focused on online actions , since the majority of millennials are connected to social networks . Thus, they were able to spread their message very well on the Internet.
3. Old Spice: “The man you could smell like” mixes humor and intrigue in a 360 marketing strategy
Old Spice first launched this campaign in 2010 at the Super Bowl . However, it later gained greater notoriety in digital media. This is because he mixed two ingredients: humor and intrigue ; thus he managed to attract the attention of the people, especially for his charismatic protagonist.
Some of the advertising experts already call it one of the most successful campaigns in recent years, since it has more than 52 million visits on YouTube.
Traditional Media: Advertising spot on television, radio, written press. As they used a creative and fun message, they managed to connect and transmit to their audience the essence of the brand.
Digital Media: Interactive videos on social networks, in which the protagonist of the spot “The man your man could smell like ” answered the questions that different Twitter and Facebook users asked him.
Through this strategy Old Spice managed to make its public identify with the brand. This is because the Old Spice brand identified the needs of its users. So it is easier to grab their attention and encourage them to try your product.
4. Bubbaloo and Bazooka: “Balloon tournament” a creative way to attract attention based on a 360 advertising campaign
These two brands came together in Argentina to carry out a campaign with the aim of attracting their target audience , which are children and young people between 12 and 18 years of age. With a creative message “Balloon Tournament” invited young people to participate in the balloon contest, those who made the biggest gum bombs got a prize.
Traditional media: Advertising panels on public roads, contests and promotions. Through these means it was sought to capture the attention of young people and children. Activations were carried out in shopping centers. They used a digital screen, in which people could participate and win prizes from the brands.
Digital media: Use of hashtags on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, virals were made with which it was possible to be in trend. On the other hand, an interactive web platform was used to promote the contest, using attractive images, always keeping its consumers in mind.
5. Papas Lay’s takes you to the final of the Champions League, it is a clear example of 360 marketing
Papas Lay’s uses a 360º communication strategy focused mainly on social networks. In the 75 years that the company has created a campaign on social networks. Participants had to buy one of the products that were part of the promotion. Those interested had to take a photo or record a video. Lays bags had half a face, so the participants had to fill in the image with their face, take a photo and upload it to the Lays website.
They got millions of users worldwide to participate. This caused many of the participants to upload images with the product to social networks. In addition, they were a trend on Twitter and managed to connect with their target audience. Because the Champions League is one of the most important sporting events, such an award makes its fans feel loved by the brand. In addition, this promotion increased the sales of the company’s products, since there were many who wanted to earn the long-awaited trip.
This initiative in social networks generates engagement , this is expressed through the “reactions” of our users. These can be the number of comments or the times you share our post on different social networks. On the other hand, it is expressed in the number of messages we receive. All these data will serve as indicators of our brand engagement. In addition, it will also allow us to measure the interaction between our brand and users.
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