Best way to build hybrid mobile apps 2021

Best way to build hybrid mobile apps 2021

A hybrid app is a type of mobile application that guarantees the speed of web development but also allows access to smartphone functions such as the camera or the GPS. That is, it has the best of the web app but also some functions of the native applications that we already discussed in the posts dedicated to these other types of application development. You must bear in mind that hybrid applications do have to be installed on your users’ smartphones read the following to know best way to build hybrid mobile apps.

 Advantages of a hybrid app

So, what exactly sets them apart from web applications? Let’s see the advantages of hybrid applications:

1.- It works like a native app, not like a web app. These types of applications work exactly like native apps, that is, they are installed on the smartphone, they can access the functions of the terminal itself (GPS, camera, location, etc.), they can work without an Internet connection …

In short, they are applications that are developed as a web app but then are involved in the development of a native app.

2.- They work on Android and iOS: The hybrid app guarantees that it will work exactly the same for iOS as for Android without having to write a separate code for each platform. 

That is, that advantage that we talked about in the post about web apps that they are compatible on all platforms and terminals is also carried out by the hybrid app.

3.- It allows you to save money in development: Directly related to the two previous points, the fact that you do not have to rewrite the code and the development of applications for different platforms allows you to save on equipment and resources.

4.- Access from the Internet: By basing the hybrid application on web technology, this makes it possible to run the application itself from a browser like any other web page.

Disadvantages of hybrid apps 

1.- Speed: Precisely this concept of a web app within a native app is what generates is that, sometimes, they are slower than real native apps. This happens in functions that demand more from the app, such as video games, 3D, or HD videos.

2.- Access to smartphone technology: Hybrid apps allow access to smartphone technology. However, you can do it always depend on the native plugins. In other words, they depend on the functions that at some point may stop working. If at any time this add-on stops working, your hybrid app will not be able to access these terminal technologies.

3.- Hybrid interface: The problem that an app is valid for different platforms is that this means that its design is not completely perfect for each platform.

That is, you have a design for Android and IOS, but it is not an excellent interface for each one but a well-adapted one. Sometimes this can compromise the user experience.

How to develop a hybrid app

Deciding between the native or web or even hybrid type of application is one of the most complicated first steps to take. Obviously, we have already talked about what each one is and what it offers but still the decision can be complicated.

In short, opting for this type of hybrid applications will only depend on your needs. It is not that it is worse than a native app or better than a web app, it simply offers you specific solutions that you will have to study whether or not they adapt to your needs.

If you have doubts about which technology will best solve the needs of your clients, rely on a good team and some experienced app developers so that they can give you personalized advice and thus define the best solution for your project.

Related: Application development trends 2021

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