5 steps to position your digital brand

Here we will see 5 steps to position your digital brand: the key points for your business to be recognized online as a powerful brand.

If you have reached this blog, it is most likely that you have a business or want to start one. It is also likely that you are aware of the importance of working on your digital brand to position it, in order for it to be recognized by the public to which you are interested in offering your product or service.

If this is your case, then you come to the right place; Next, we are going to see what are the key points for your business to be recognized digitally, through a powerful brand.

Why is it important to position your digital brand?

It is undeniable that technology has been a business enhancer, from micro-companies to industrial giants and there are plenty of examples. The reason for this is that it is cheaper to be visible, to go where you would not have been otherwise, it facilitates logistics, it is more flexible and the options are almost limitless. 

It has even been shown that, if the line of business is to offer an intangible asset, such as advice, consultations, or training, the service can be provided remotely.

The benefits are many and fabulous for anyone who uses them, and on the contrary, not using them means being at a disadvantage against your competitors.

So far, so good. The counterpart comes at the moment when we realize that if digital tools support my business so much, it will do the same with everyone else. There are more and more tools that facilitate exposure and more and more people are learning to use it, so the digital market begins to saturate.

Therefore, having a digital presence is no longer enough. Your business must stand out from the rest. Your potential buyers must distinguish you and prefer you over your competition. And the challenge is to find who is willing to pay for your product or service and deliver what they need.

How to position your digital brand?

We already talked about the importance of your brand being recognized in the online world, now we are going to tell you how to do to position it in 5 points.

Segment customers

Before any other step, you must be very clear about who your ideal client is. Have well-identified their demographic, social, economic, tastes and preferences.

Then, something that will help you to know it in depth is to carry out the 3D Methodology: Pains, Desires, and Difficulties. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the PAINS or problems that my ideal client has and how can I solve it with my product or service?
  • What does my ideal client WANT, want to achieve or achieve? What would be the most desirable situation for him when purchasing my product?
  • What are the DIFFICULTIES that my ideal client has not been able to solve?

Once you have done this exercise, you will be clear about how you can solve that problem or need of your client for which they would be willing to give you their money.

Your Product

It might sound obvious that you know what you are selling, but sometimes we have a hard time defining it in a concrete way, especially when it is an intangible asset. So here we suggest that you pause in your sales process and reflect on the following questions:

  • What is the name of your product or service
  • How would you define your product?
  • What is the main problem (or need) that it solves?
  • What makes your product unique?
  • What benefits does your client obtain when purchasing your product?

If it is easy for you to answer these questions in a few words, it means that you have everything very clear and your sales arguments will be solid. On the contrary, if it was complicated for you, if you cannot find a short and concrete answer to each of these questions, it will be very useful if you take the time to reflect and work on it.

It is also important that what you offer to your audience is very well defined, do not neglect your market niche for wanting to cover many service areas.

Value content to position your digital brand

Being clear about what your client wants and how you can help him obtain it, will be very useful when contacting him.

Whether you decide to use a website, social networks, or both as a communication channel to digitally publicize your brand, it is crucial that the content you show is of value, that it provides something new, interesting, innovative, entertaining, and so on.

Some questions that will help you create valuable content are:

  • What is your goal as a business?
  • Why should your ideal customer buy from you and not your competition?
  • Do you know where to find that customer and how to attract them to your account?
  • Would you buy your own service or product? Why?

Create communities

In the business world, generating strategic alliances is not only desirable, but it is necessary to prosper and position your digital brand.

We highly recommend that you be constantly searching for people, companies or organizations that complement your business and help you boost it. Consider that you should always do it from a dual position, in which both parties will benefit from the alliance (beyond your suppliers).

Next, we give you some ideas to get strategic allies, for this, think about the service or product that would complete your customer’s experience.


  • Organization of events: you can partner with salons, florists, entertainers, musical groups, with whom to rent the sound equipment.
  • Health, nutrition area: with brands of healthy food and beverages, gyms to give your customers a discount, with image consultants, clothing brands to exercise.
  • Confectionery: home delivery channels, retail stores, event organizers, party rooms, banquets.

Do not lose sight of influencers at this point, but if you are looking for that option, try to make it someone who is relevant in your particular sector, consider starting with several small ones, before with a large one.

Ask your satisfied customers to give their opinion on your page or networks and share those positive experiences. On the other hand, generating Facebook groups, Telegram channels, WhatsApp groups where you can communicate your experience, will be very useful to generate trust and a good reputation.

Human factor

In everything you do, don’t lose sight of the human factor. That is, try to give a personalized treatment, respond as soon as you can and how you would like to be treated.

Accompany your client all the way until their problem or need has been resolved. And if, for some reason, your product does not solve it and you know what could help, guide it, even if it does not buy from you. That recommendation can translate into future purchases.

Remember that the connection is generated between people, not between digital company accounts. If you are more interested in this topic and how to develop a marketing strategy focused on the customer, delving into Inbound Marketing topics will be very helpful.


Everything that has been said in this article must be aligned with an effective digital strategy. If you really want to position your digital brand, everything you publish and share must be congruent with each other, following the values ​​of your business, the objectives you want to achieve and the audience you are targeting.

Keep in mind that you cannot be the best for everyone, but you can be the best for those who choose you. Take care and be aware of your audience by providing quality content and services.

Tell us if the tools we suggest were useful to you and share with us if you have used others.

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