3 Social Networks that you no longer remember and are still active

2003, which was the year prior to the introduction of Facebook was a booming year in the development of new online social media. Certain, even though nobody is talking about them anymore are still around.

The concept of social networks which Facebook established as a key component in the online ecosystem which we all participate, was born seven years prior to the time that Mark Zuckerberg launched his.

Six degrees ( 1997) was followed by Fotolog (2002), Friendster (2002) as well as numerous others that enjoyed moments of glory only to fade away and shut down as users took their time and attention elsewhere. 2003 was an extremely prolific enough that a portion of the crop is still in existence and with regard to LinkedIn is still the dominant player in its field.

Let’s look at what has developed from three social websites that were launched in the year 2000 which, despite experiencing more positive times than they do today they are still in operation 19 years on.


Seventy million users might appear tiny when compared to actual numbers that include TikTok (1,000 million), Instagram (1,478 million) or Facebook (2,910 millions) However, we’re talking about 2007 , a time when smartphones was a rarity as well as there was no internet. Internet wasn’t yet accessible. The network grew to the utmost part of the world. This was the highest the point Hi5 was able to reach, popular and popular in South America, which was one of the top 40 most frequented websites around the world during the year. In 2008 it was the third largest social network for users, just behind Facebook as well as MySpace.

It was launched at the end of 2003 and was billed as a social media platform like what was later to be Mark Zuckerberg’s. Then, in 2010, the company changed its attention to social games which were the trend in the time, and in 2011 it was bought by a different social network that was largely ignored by the majority of people, but still in existence, Tagged.

It was in decline when it was purchased from The Meet Group, owner of dating apps like Lovoo or Growlr which is currently runs an identical operation to Tinder.

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Xing is a professional social network which was founded at the time of Linkedin and for a time it was ahead of Microsoft’s network platform. It first began to develop as of 2003, under the codename OpenBC (Open Business Club) but was changed into Xing (“it could be possible” to translate into Chinese) in the year 2006.

In 2010, it boasted 10 million active users out of which four belong to Germany that is the country that remains its main market. It surpassed 1 1/2 million users, but in the year 2011 it shut down its local offices that made it crystal clear that it was time for LinkedIn to be the leading professional social network that users prefer and it retains, having 310 millions monthly active users. The number of users on Xing is 19 million, with the majority of which are located in Germany.

my space

The first social media platform to achieve immense success, but miss the pace of change before the rise of Facebook and other. The most popular in the period between 2005-2008, when Facebook was able to surpass it, having reached the 115 million mark. In 2019, the total was down to 9 million daily users however it’s still in use.

MySpace was created in 2003 in order to replace personal web pages , so users could create profiles and share photos and music. This aspect was crucial in the growth of the site.

It became a platform for artists looking to be recognized and get their name out to the world without the need of a record label. It led to a variety of successful stories, like Artic Monkeys and Adele.

MySpace was bought the year 2005, in 2005 by News Corporation for $580 million much more than the 35 million it sold to the singer Justin Timberlake and Specific Media Group Six years later.

The platform has continued to lose users and changed ownership multiple times and, since 2019, it has been in control by Viant Technology LLC. In the was the same year that MySpace deleted all the media that was uploaded between 2003 between 2003 and the year 2015 due to the server’s migration.

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